According by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is the tenth cause of death in America today. There are over 42,000 suicides every year. For every suicide that happens there are at least ten attempts of suicide. This mean there are 420,000 attempts every year. This is a lot of people who are suffering every year.

Alaska, where I invest a great deal of time ministering, has been ranked as one of the highest suicidal rates in the nation per capita. Alaska has 22 suicides per 100,000 population. There were 167 suicides alone in 2014. Thanks to prayer warriors in Alaska it has dropped from being the number one position to the number two position in the country.

People everywhere are calling suicide in America an “epidemic”. I read an article in one of the California newspapers which stated in an area of one of the counties there had been a 27 percent increase in suicide. The article proceeded to say, “Local experts have no explanation for the increase.” This is the case everywhere. No one really has any concrete information of why people take their own lives early.

Agencies literally spend millions of dollars for suicide prevention. I commend them for trying to solve a problem, but throwing money at it is not the answer. Until people are ready to face the truth about suicide, that there is no rational reason for one to take their own life, and that it is an outside spiritual force, then suicide rates will continue to grow higher.

Suicide has to be confronted on the spiritual level. Suicide is an outside spiritual force that plagues and harasses a person. Agencies can continue to spend millions only to see the suicide rate increase, as money will not stop a spirit from forcing its will onto people.

It is The Church that has the answers to suicide. I pray that secular agencies will not ignore the wealth that Your Unseen Enemy Revealed by Dr. M.D. KrinockThe Church (the body of Christ) has in its arsenal. It is the body of Christ that has been given authority and power of this evil spirit. The only areas I have seen suicide stats decrease is where prayer intercessors have gathered. If agencies would turn to The Church, their efforts would be increasingly and dramatically fruitful.

In this book, you will find out why people end their life early. It has nothing to do with quality of life, or circumstances. This book will explain and show how the suicide spirit operates. I encourage any secular organization to incorporate this book into their programs and see the results for themselves.

Stats by:
American Association of Suicidology
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention