Dr. Maria Krinock
President of Lifeline Outreach Int’l
After the Lord Jesus brought Maria out of a life of addiction, suicide and depression, and into freedom, God called her to begin to share His love to the uttermost parts of the earth. Maria Magruder-Krinock answered the call of God in 1997, while living in Anchorage Alaska and began Lifeline Outreach Itn’l. As she traveled the villages in Alaska, she saw the great need for the power and love of God to be manifest in the peoples lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Maria not only began to deliver the Gospel in demonstration of power, but also began to fly out food and supplies to the villages. Many of the villages have no roads, and therefore can only be reached by way of boat or plane. This makes it very difficult for village life, as these types of villages have to fly into town just to go grocery shopping or they have to hunt in order to have a food supply for the year. By bringing food and supplies to the village in bulk as a gift, the whole village would turn out for the meetings. This caused a great increase of salvations, miracles, healing and deliverance.
In 2001, the Lord sent Maria to Elko and Reno, Nevada to minister to the surrounding First Nations Reservations. Holding soul-winning crusades in the gym on the reservations, the Lord blessed the outreaches with a plethora of food, goods and toys to distribute to the people. Through Lifeline Outreach Int’l over $20, 000 worth of food was distributed and over $5000 worth of toys to the children and literally hundreds of people received Christ during this time.
In October 2002, Maria relocated the ministry from Nevada to Pensacola, Florida to study at International Miracle Institute and be a part of the Miracle Faith Apostolic Global Church. Maria had the honor and privilege of receiving a greater revelation of the Word of God and impartation of the gift of working of miracles on a much greater level than ever before, due to the teaching of Drs. Christian and Robin Harfouche. Dr. Christian & Robin Harfouche are Maria’s father and mother in the faith and remains under their 5-fold apostolic gift for the last 15+ years to present.
Flowing strongly in the gift of working of miracles, Maria has a passion to see the body of Christ living in the realm of victory, no matter what opposing circumstance they may be facing. Maria equips the body of Christ with a biblical word of supply that ignites the very heart of people to go to the next level in their walk with Christ.
In the last hour we live in, her and her husband Conrad are more determined than ever to see the harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God.
Maria has spent fifteen years of study of the Word of God under Drs. Christian and Robin Harfouche, and licensed through International Miracle Institute with a Doctorate of Divinity and a Doctorate of Ministry. Maria’s home church is Miracle Faith Apostolic Global Church. Maria and her husband, Conrad have just recently relocated to Austin, TX where Conrad works for the state of Texas. Together they minister the love of Jesus in the remote arctic villages of Alaska and also in the lower 48 states where the Lord would lead them to go holding soul-winning crusades with signs and wonders following.
- October 2001 – Gambell, AK – Distributed 5000 pounds of fresh produce.
- December 2001 – Elko, NV – Fed over 400 families, and distributed $5000 of toys to the children
- March 2002 – Noatak, AK – Fed over 200 families with fresh produce.
- November 2004 – Pensacola, FL – Distributed $30K worth of food and supplies to Hurricane Ivan victims
- December 2004- Pensacola, FL – Distributed $20K of toys to children after Hurricane Ivan
- January 2012 – Turlock, CA – Distributed $100K of food to families in need
- January 2014 – Turlock, CA – Distributed $30K food and clothing to families in need
- February 2015 – Turlock, CA – Distributed new Skecher shoes to hundreds of children
- June 2015 – Reno, NV – Distributed thousands of diapers and shoes to hundreds of children.
- November 2016 – Savoonga, AK – Distributed 2500 pounds of food & hundreds of suicide prevention books.
- November 2017 – Kivalina, AK – Distributed 4000 pounds of food & hundreds of suicide prevention books.
- January 2019 – Mountain Village, AK – Distributed 4600 pounds of food & hundreds of suicide prevention books.