“I had throbbing in my ear for three years that was caused by a really hard hit to my head right on my left ear. The pain throbs were excruciating! It hurt just about everyday. Any movement of my head caused pain. I had to be careful to keep my head straight and upright or there would be pain.
I thought it was permanently damaged. I had very little hearing through it. When Dr. Maria came to my village, Buckland she prayed for healing, my ear is just as NEW as when I was a newborn baby welcomed into the world! I now can hear out of my left ear and no more pain! It has been healed for over 3 years now, and I know that my healing is permanent! I am so thankful to the Lord Jesus for His healing touch!”
Buckland, Alaska

Feeding Alaska Today
PO Box 875431
Wasilla, AK 99687
Tel. 1.844.505.5393
Em: feedingalaskatoday@gmail.com