John 17:16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Jesus said YOU are not of this world… there is so much happening in the world today from politics, the economy, weather threats of hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires, violence and I could go on and on…it just takes one flip of the news to see the craziness of the world…BUT THANK GOD WE ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD!  We may be in the world, but we are not OF the world Jesus said!!!

The world wants to define you.  The world wants to tell you who you are.  The world wants to mold you in its image.  I just wanted to take a moment to remind you today, the world does not determine YOU.  The world does not define YOU.  God defines YOU.  You are WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE TODAY.  I do not care what the world system has told you, that is not you!

When the world tells you that you that you are sick with a doctors report that is not what God calls you.  God calls you healed.  When the world tells you that you are poor, God calls you rich.  I don’t care what the economy is – if you need a house for your family and the world is telling you that you can’t have that house, God has a house for you.

When the world defines you as a victim, God calls you more than a conqueror.  When the world tries to define you as weak, God calls you strong.

When the world defines you as depressed, anxious, or whatever the mental diagnosis is, God calls you perfect in Him.

Col 1: 28 Him we preach, exhorting every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

The world wants to define you as less than perfect, but the truth is YOU ARE PERFECT IN CHRIST.  What does that mean for you?  It means you are not a victim.  It means that you are not poor.  It means that you are not an addict, it means you are not sick, it means that you are the head not the tail in your circumstance.  I want to remind you, your circumstance is TEMPORARY.  Yes, you will be persecuted on this earth but with your faith in God, not in anything else, TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND LEAN NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING, put your faith in God and what He has called you today.  Do not let the world or anyone define who you are but God!

Before Moses stepped into the call of God he allowed the world to define him.  He was rejected by his own people as well as the Egyptians – he allowed that to define him as less, to define him as not worthy of love, he allowed it to define his self worth, and on top of it after he killed an Egyptian he allowed his own actions to define him – and as he allowed his own issues to define who he was it put him the desert for 40 years, stuck in the desert for 40 years – but when God came in that burning bush and Moses turned to the bush – God called him by name!  God knows your name.  You are that important to God, he doesn’t call you “hey you” –

But when God called to Moses, God had nothing to say about his short comings.  God had nothing to say about his sin.  God had nothing to say about how the world had defined him.  God didn’t acknowledge what the world had to say about Moses, but instead God DEFINE WHO MOSES WAS.  God said, Moses you are a deliverer – and Moses exact response in Exodus 3:11 was: “Who am I?” Moses at that time didn’t not know who he was.  God had to define him.  God defines him in Exodus 7:1 “See I have MADE YOU, as GOD to Pharaoh.”

See God speaks to the call, and religion speaks to the fall.  The world wants to define you as less, but God defines you, AS GOD TO YOUR PHARAOHS, or as God to your enemies.  As God to your temporary circumstance.  As God to lack and poverty, as God to that negative doctors report, as God to that thing that is coming against the promises of God in your life.

The bible says

Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.

…“as He is, so are we in this world”.  My God!  As Christ is right now, so are you!  I didn’t make that up, its just Bible. The question is, are you going to believe what the Word has called you?  Its not what the world calls you, its who God calls you.  Its not what you can do anymore, its who God has MADE YOU TO BE.  God has made YOU in His image, He has made YOU as CHRIST IS NOW IN THIS WORLD.  This doesn’t mean we ARE GOD, but it means we are “as God” to those things below.

What God calls you, is who you are my friend.  The world does not have the final word on you.  The doctors report does not have the final word on you.  It may be a fact that there is something wrong with your body, but it is not THE TRUTH.  The Truth, always trumps the fact.  Gods word is always greater than the report of the world.

Although we are in the world, we LIVE ABOVE THE WORLD.  We are not subject to what the world says.  We are of another Kingdom.

Be sure to line your mouth up with what God calls you!  Call yourself rich, not poor.  Don’t let the bank account define who you are!  Call yourself healed, don’t let the doctors report define you.  Call yourself strong, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  Call yourself free from addiction, and addicted to Christ, call yourself full of joy, not depressed, call yourself secure in Christ, not anxious, call yourself mighty in God! Call yourself righteous, not a sinner.


Remember today, you are what God call calls you, not what the world calls you.