
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus, our precious Lord and Savior. May the Lord multiply you beyond what you could ever think or imagine!

I am reaching out to a few specific disciples of Jesus Christ, to compel you to be a part of this upcoming supernatural time of impartation at the Women of Freedom conference this March 28th – April 1st in Anchorage, Alaska.

We are praying for God to make a way for you to come and be a part of this supernatural week. There is something that happens when one sows a week of their time to the Lord, and invests in their call. When we come into His presence during these times of appointments it is THEN that He can impart anointings and gifts INTO us, so that WE can be a blessing to our families, friends, and to our region.

During our prayer times for this upcoming conference we have been given the words: HOLY SPIRIT INFUSION and BREAKER ANOINTING. This will be a time of heaven INFUSING you with all that you can receive, and a time of breaking out of the old and into the new.

Friend, I am contacting you because I believe God has more for you then your intellect or understanding can comprehend. That you are called to do great things in God for His purposes. You are one of Gods champions!

I have a prophetic word for you NOW on our website called, “Visitations, Encounters & Appointments.” To access this audio word now, CLICK HERE.

Please let us know your attendance TODAY. Please REGISTER HERE NOW. We are expecting a full house, and we wanted to be sure you had an opportunity to reserve your seat.

To learn more about his upcoming, life-changing time to to: www.womenoffreedom.org.

I love you, I am praying for you, and I look forward in seeing you soon to impart a gift from heaven for your call that will impact you body, soul and spirit.

In Christ Eternally,