In these last days that we live in, it is no secret that the enemy is doing everything he can to distract, destroy and cause fear in the lives of many. You see it almost everywhere you look, from the news media to whatever ungodly report is coming from a doctor, to the bank statement. The Word of God says that in the last days that many will “fall away from the faith”. We have never been in a moment of opportune time like today to preach faith. We have never been in a moment of time where we need to exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ instead of the trial, tribulation or circumstance. We do not need to preach gloom and doom, nor tribulation, we need to preach the full Gospel of Jesus Christ that imparts FAITH. Faith is the antidote to trial. Faith is the antidote to the circumstance. Faith is the antidote to the spirit of fear.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2nd Timothy 1:7
It is important to recognize that the spirit of fear does not come from God, therefore it is an outside force that comes to distract, inflict and control. If God didn’t give it to us, then it is most certainly not something we are to live in, nor does fear live in us. We cannot accept fear as something as being a “part of us”, or as “natural”. I have over heard people say in the last few months, “Oh, its natural for them to be in that state with what they have gone through.” That is not bible truth for a Christian, that is not The Truth for a Believer in Jesus Christ. When Christ made us a new creation, He made us NEW. He didn’t make us with fear! He made us with Himself. The Righteousness of Himself. There is no fear in God, there is no fear in Jesus, it is not normal for a Christian to live in fear, no matter what the circumstance. Instead we live in faith. We walk by faith. Without faith, we can’t even walk right! Faith is the antidote to fear.
Faith is a supernatural force that lives inside us. The amplified translation in Hebrews 11 says, that “faith is the assurance of things…” In other words faith is ALWAYS SURE. It never questions the end result when it comes to the promises of God. We are in faith, when we are sure of God’s promises even though we may not see it yet. If we are not sure, then we are not in faith. Its as simple as that. If we are sure of the promises of God, then we are in faith. It is in this realm that God can bless us and reward us.
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him for he who comes to God MUST believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 NKJ
What is a sure thing? What can be sure of? We can be sure that we are the ones who do the overcoming in this age and in this world. We can be sure we are not victims. We can be sure we are not going under, we can be sure we are going to live and not die, we can be sure that God will supply all our need. We can be sure in the Word of God and what it says it will do, it will do!
“For whoever is born of God overcomes the world, and this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.” 1st John 5:4
No faith, no victory. Faith = victory! God isn’t asking us to get the victory through our works. He is telling us our faith just has to receive the victory. We are not fighting to get the victory, we fight the good fight of faith because we have the victory – and the devil would like to take the victory that you already have. He comes to steal the word that has been sown… when the word is sown faith arises and awakens. Do not back down from the word sown in your hearts, hold fast to it, and hold fast to your confession of faith. God will not disappoint your faith! He will take the “dis” off your appointments, and turn them into divine appointments!
Be encouraged today, we have a time of appointment in God like never before to see the power of God move in our lives, our families, our economy and our world!