January 19th, 2018
I do not distribute many prophetic words, but when I receive one that has to do with a region, it is important to decree and declare them together, as there is POWER in our decrees and declarations.
I had a vision last November 2017 while ministering in Kivalina, Alaska – I knew this vision was for ALASKA – the entire state.
In the vision, I saw a very tall and thin woman get up from the back of the church. She was over 6ft tall and she was so thin she was sickly looking. She had very straight hair that came down to her shoulders and she appeared anorexic.
As this anorexic looking woman came down the isle of the church… she had a piece of paper in her hand with financial numbers on it. The paper was clearly not money; it was some sort of a document. It appeared that she was bringing this document to set it before the Lord for a blessing; it clearly was NOT an offering she was bringing.
As this woman walked down the isle of the church with this paper, I could hear the thoughts of her heart. She said in her heart, “if the people (meaning people of Alaska) GIVE into me then the people will blessed, and it will be good for the people”. I kept hearing her heart over and over again, as she approached the presence of the Lord – She kept saying, “If the people GIVE into me, it will be a good thing for the people.”
When this sickly anorexic woman reached the presence of the Lord at the front of the church, the hand of God bound this woman by the ankles, then with holding the ankles of this woman the hand of God began to slam the back of this woman’s head on the ground, then flip her and slam the front her face on the ground. This happened several times in supernatural speed until the woman’s head was completely crushed and deformed. I then watched this woman crawl out of the church badly wounded. She crawled out of the church like a beaten dog with her tail between her legs. End of vision.
I did not know the interpretation of this vision, so I began to seek the Lord. After several days of just waiting on the Lord I woke up one morning with the interpretation with a supernatural “knowing” that will open the eyes of revelation knowledge of what the Lord is doing through His church in Alaska!