Books Make it to Kivalina, Alaska!

“Your Unseen Enemy Revealed” books make to Kivalina on January 29th, 2017!  Woo!  Special “thanks” to Ps. Lowell & Mary Sage, and the Friends Church for helping to distribute books!  Here is one testimony that has already came in from...

Books distributed in Savoonga, Alaska

HUNDREDS BOOKS WERE DISTRIBUTED ON NOVEMBER 20TH, 2016 IN SAVOONGA, ALASKA! We had an AMAZING outreach of not only books, but distriubted 2500 pounds of food to the village, saw the Lord do many heaings, deliverance’s, and salvations during this week of...

Nome, Alaska

NOME, AK – The Mayor of Nome was on the plane on the way to Savoonga, and we were able to get the FIRST book of “Your Unseen Enemy Revealed” in Nome today with Mayor Richard! Learn how you can sponsor a Alaska Village with these books where we are...

Gambell, Alaska

Over 150 books have arrived in Gambell, Alaska!  This is the team that will be distributing books throughout the entire village!  Keep them and Gabmell in your prayers! Special “Thanks” to Jessica Veldstra who delivered these books! Learn how you can...