Growing up in Seattle WA, I would have never guessed my assignment of the Lord would be in the farthest regions of the earth. I have invested over 20 years inside the Arctic of Alaska ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My first ministry trip was in 1998, to the village of Kivalina, Alaska, which is on the west coast. I was escorted into the village by way of dog-sled in -50 below weather. When I had arrived with my hand knitted yarn gloves my grandma had made me and my “chuck” converse tennis shoes, I had the wind knocked out of me and a case of frost bite as no one had informed me how to dress for arctic conditions! In a vast land that seems to go on forever in the tundra where one just see’s ice for as far as the eye can see, there lies some of the most beautiful indigenous people that never cease to amaze me. They truly live off the land. They are a family oriented people, and they own the land they live on. They harvest the wealth that God has put in the earth for mankind from whale, fish, seal, polar bear, ivory and many other earthly resources. There is no Walmart in the Arctic villages. No roads to get there, only by plane or boat can one even access these areas. In their sphere of living, their little mini-mart store that serves that village, a gallon of milk will run $15 and a can of tomato soup might run as high as $9. Families work together to bring in the harvest to feed themselves and others in the village. It is a beautiful way of life.
Although the indigenous people of the Arctic have a beautiful way of life, it is no secret that Alaska has had one of the highest stats when it comes to mental health issues from suicide, depression and anxiety. Some of these areas are in 24-hour darkness in the winter. Some of these regions can be very dark spiritually too. For a revivalist at times, it can be like throwing bricks at a brick wall while preaching… until you breakthrough– as the Word of God never fails and never returns void.
The Lord began to challenge our ministry to reach entire villages, and entire regions in the Arctic. Since we have accepted that challenge, we have seen some of the greatest manifestation of the Glory of God! The Lord spoke to us to begin feeding the entire village with fresh produce of fruits and vegetables (which they do not get a lot of in the tundra!) and to open up the gymnasium for “a blessing”. That the people will come for “a blessing” and leave with much more than just natural food, but leave changed and transformed by the power of His Spirit.
Savoonga, Alaska – A village of 800+ people on St. Lawrence Island, 40 miles off the coast of Russia. One of our first “blessings”. We (Feeding Alaska Today) shipped in thousands of pounds of food by way of small plane and dog-sled. When we opened up the doors to the gymnasium the line was out the door with people! People coming for a blessing! People coming ready for change, and ready to leave religion behind them. As the people from Savoonga welcomed us with their native drums and dance – the anointing begins to saturate the place. As we all begin to worship together in the gymnasium, a Siberian Yupik couple brings in their baby and interrupts the meeting. Their baby was having seizures and there is not adequate medical treatment on this remote island. This Siberian Yupik couple places the baby in my arms, and the Lord begins to sing over the baby, and the baby is overcome by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and every seizure stops.

After the Lord so beautifully healed this baby, we were met with something we never expected…CHILDREN! Yes, hundreds of children were flocking to us for the miracle anointing and to learn more about Christ!
People were coming forward for all kinds of physical ailments. The Lord directed us to have the children lay hands on their own people. As the children did this, every person who responded to the anointing was healed instantly! The salvation altar call was filled with hundreds of people that day! The children ended up leading the way in revival through the entire outreach from salvation, to casting out devils and healings.
When impartation time came the children waited for hours for their turn to have hands laid on them – many of them went into full-on Holy Spirit trances, others were delivered of devils, others overcome by the glory of God. Every child had a Holy Spirit encounter that week!
God is moving in the Arctic! The children are being touched, changed and transformed like nothing I have ever seen in my 20 years of ministry. God is raising these children up to do His work for His Kingdom and there is nothing that will stand in God’s way. God is depositing the anointing in these children and they are taking up their authority to heal the sick and cast devils out of their village! These children are running with the fire of God!
We are not just seeing the children being touched so powerfully, but MIRACLES are happening in bulk. The Holy Spirit is moving with His love in such a way that the people are not only being healed physically but are also having eternal encounters with the Lord Himself that is changing and transforming them from the inside out.
Since Feeding Alaska Today began we have reached entire villages with the love of Christ in salvation, healing and miracles. Feeding Alaska Today has distributed thousands upon thousands of pounds of healthy food and distributed hundreds of Dr. Maria Krinock’s book, “Your Unseen Enemy Revealed” which has her personal testimony of overcoming suicide, addiction and sexual abuse. This book is currently circulating in over 30+ villages in the Arctic and in many of the lower 48 reservations of California, Arizona, Nevada and Canada. Many are being set free of the bondage of suicide and depression through this book.
Feeding Alaska Today is all about Jesus Christ and the move of the Holy Spirit. Feeding people’s bodies with healthy natural food and depositing the most important; spiritual food of the Word of God implanted and breathed upon by the Holy Spirit that will bring about unlimited change and transformation into every life that will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Food for the body and food for the soul!
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