The Lord spoke to me, and said, “Maria, this is not a worship CD, this is a HEALING CD.  People will be healed when they listen to this CD.”

After we returned from a VERY POWERFUL outreach in Savoonga, Alaska, where the children led the way in revival!  The Lord instructed us to put together a CD.  We were uncertain we could even do this with the recordings we had, but the Lord guided us all the way through this project, and we came out with:  SavoongaLIVE Raw & Uncut!

On this CD is live miracles, with the children doing the miracles and the children casting out devils out of their village!  There is also anointed worship from the Lifeline Outreach worship team.

There is the tangible presence of the anointing on this CD – you will be blessed!  You may listen to it by clicking the tracks below…