The Holy Spirit is flooding His people with revelations, dreams and giftings like never before. God has been pouring out His Spirit since the Upper Room on all flesh. His supernatural giftings will become natural for you. This flooding of His spirit will overflow the riverbanks of your life.

There is an increase in the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit happening RIGHT NOW. Those that are flowing in certain supernatural gifts, there is an increase of an entire new level for you. Those in in business, there is an entire new level of divine wisdom and wealth you are about to step into! Those that have desired to walk in the Holy Spirits giftings the Lord will not withhold and is releasing spiritual gifts unto you, as you yield to Him.

As this increase is happening, there is a spirit of the enemy that wants to defy the Holy Spirit moving through you and in you that the Lord wants to expose.

Over last several months I have heard more than one person say, “Miracles are not really important, as they do not “change” a person.

Although these types of statements have come from well meaning Christians, I am prompted by the Holy Spirit to bring in some light on the subject to expose what is really behind this statement so that we can be equipped and empowered to understand what and who is operating, and not allow it in our lives and mindsets.

The statement that “miracles are not an important ministry” because they do not “change” a person sounds good but it has a falsifying spirit behind it that is anti-Christ and anti- Holy Ghost. Miracles do not just happen, they happen because someone yields to the Holy Spirit to move through them, and be a vessel of an agent of change for another.

Then you hear, “Well salvation is the greatest miracle of all!” – Can we be Christians today and still think?


Let’s talk about the event that changed the world forever…THE CROSS. The same event where Jesus laid His life down at the cross for our sins, so that we could have a nature change from darkness to light and receive eternal life, we find in Isaiah that He not only paid for our sins, but for our physical and mental pain. That His body was broken so our bodies do not have to be broken. The greatest miracle of all? Salvation! When we study the word “salvation” we find that it includes our physical and mental well being, as well as our spiritual eternity. The same event that gave us the greatest miracle, gave us life in the NOW and that “NOW” life continues into eternity.

Are we to say that one part of the cross is more or less important? Were the stripes on His back not really going to change anyone? Was the way His head swelled up twice its size from the beatings not really as important as the nails through His hands and feet?

Who is the one who convicts a person of sin, and leads them to Christ? Who is the one who changes and transforms a person into the image of Christ? And when someone receives a physical miracle or a miracle of any kind, who is at work doing that miracle? Is it not the work and person of the Holy Spirit?

The same Spirit that convicts someone of sin and leads them into salvation is the same Spirit who does miracles, who does healings, who does deliverances. Are we to say that one work of the Holy Spirit is greater than the other?

If we had to make a choice of being sick all our life or going to heaven, most of us would choose heaven over being healed. HOWEVER our Bible tells us that we can be healed, delivered, set free AND spend eternity with Christ, so I don’t know about you, but I’ll take the latter!

We must be careful in allowing things that sound good, but really are not the Truth. This is what the devil does, he will take a bit of truth and twist it just enough to make that Truth or the Word of God of no effect. The devil is an expert at taking the Word of God and altering it just enough to make it sound good but no power.

The devil would like for nothing more than for YOU to be powerless in your walk with Christ. If he cannot get you to deny Christ then he will try to get you to walk in a lesser realm that becomes powerless. The less power you have, chances are the less people you are going to lead to Christ, the less chance that you are going to do great things in the Kingdom of God for His purposes.

Working of miracles and any of the spiritual gifts for that matter are all “manifestations” of the Holy Spirit, who desires to see us, to see the Church walking in victory in every area of our life. The spiritual gifts are just that…GIFTS. They are a blessing to not just the Church but to unbelievers, so that they can come to the revelation knowledge that Jesus is ALIVE, and has made a way of salvation for them.


I believe that this underlying spirit is trying to get the Church to back off the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This falsifying spirit is trying to get the Believer to not walk in his or her authority, walk in powerlessness instead of the anointing that destroys the yoke. This spirit is trying to belittle not just YOU, but the work of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said, (Mark 16:15) these signs shall follow them that believe…they shall cast devils out, speak with new tongues, if they drink anything deadly it will not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover… these are miracles! If signs, and miracles are not following a Christian, then it’s time to look at that Christian and find out if they are a BELIEVER! Because the miraculous follows the Believer.

The statement that “miracles don’t change anyone” is not what we find in the Bible… we find the lame man who after he was healed (Acts 3:8) went leaping and praising God, he went from a beggar to someone who could participate in society again. I would call that change! We find when Simon received the a miracle of a great catch of fish (Luke 5) his response to this miracle was REPENTANCE or a change of heart.

Vs 8 – When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.

I would call that change! We find in Luke 5:15 – that after the miracle of leper that many more people came out to hear the gospel of salvation to receive Christ. I would call that change! In Luke 8, the bible talks about certain women who were healed, who after they were healed then followed Jesus all the days of their LIFE! I would call that change and transformation!


A miracle by definition is DUNAMIS POWER, that brings CHANGE that one cannot provide for themselves. We could not provide salvation for ourselves, and we certainly cannot provide physical, financial, emotional miracles for ourselves.

Can someone receive a miracle and not follow after Christ? Of course! If person is going to receive their miracle and then not follow after The Master (Jesus) then it probably won’t be long before they lose their miracle. They do not lose their miracle because Jesus takes it away, they lose it because they walk away from Christ. They walk away from their miracle.

We are to not just be blessed, but be a blessing. In order to be a blessing we must trust the ministry of the Holy Spirit and ALL His gifts and not back off them, but instead allow His gift to be manifest in us and through us.

Have you ever gave someone a gift from your heart and they didn’t receive it? Think how the Holy Spirit must feel when we say “miracles aren’t important” or “healing doesn’t change anyone”… We are rejecting the very gifts He gave us!


We must receive the gifts of the Spirit. We should desire them. Paul said we are to “covet” the best gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:31 – and then goes on to say that there is a more excellent way, the way of love. This does not negate that we are to desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Paul is telling us that as we allow the love of God to flow through us then the gift means something, that the gift and love work together. Paul is not saying it’s love or the gifts, he is not saying it is one or the other, he is saying ADD UNTO the gifts the love of God is where its at. You will find Paul even says in 1 Corinthians 14 “Pursue love AND desire the spiritual gifts…” No where in the Word of God does it say we have to choose one or the other.

Jesus said, greater things will you do because I go to My Father…John 14:12

Jesus is onboard with miracles! Everywhere He went He did miracles. He brought heaven to earth, and now that He has done that, He has left you and I in charge on this planet to carry on His mission. To be that extension of love, AND power to the people of the world through the ministry of the WORD and SPIRIT. We must preach the Word in Truth, and demonstrate the Word. The only way to demonstrate the Word is through the Holy Spirit. We cannot even love a person correctly without the Holy Spirit, we certainly will not be able to heal anyone, or do a miracle without the Spirit of God. Without Him we can do nothing, but WITH Him all things are possible!!

God wants to do GREATER things through you than even what Jesus did!!! This is what Jesus said! I did not make this up, it’s just Bible!

To downplay miracles is to down play the manifestation of the Holy Spirits presence and His gifts that He gave to the Church to be a blessing to the world!

We are called to the great commission:

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature… “ (Mark 16:15-18)

Vs 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.”

The last time I checked, we are still doing the great commission! As long as we are in great commission mode, we are in miracle mode! We are to be casting out devils and healing the sick. This is how we occupy on this earth. If the devil can get you to back off the power gifts of the Holy Spirit, then he can take your territory. Then he will keep you from occupying the land that God has for you!

There is an increase in the spiritual gifts for you!

I want to remind you today, Christian, that you are a Believer, and signs and wonders follow Believers. I want to remind you today, Christian that with the in-filling of the Holy Spirit that the devil is terrified of YOU! There is a land for you to occupy, and a land for your possession for God’s purposes and His Kingdom.