Prophetic Word for Women:
By Dr. Maria Krinock
Women, I have a word for you! I have had the word velocity in my spirit for several days now. And some of you may have read another prophetic word on velocity that was recently released, but, velocity means, “rapid motion, or rapid operation, swiftness, speed. It also means, the time rate of change of a position of a body in a specified direction.”
Women, I want you to hear me today. God is going to move you powerfully all over the earth. He is already doing it, praise God. But He is going to cause your ministries to flourish, your calls to come forth with speed and swiftness, or velocity. God is going to thrust you in His perfect will for your life, for your family, and for your calls, and ministry.
God is commissioning you. God first commissioned the women before He ever commissioned anyone else. We find this in Matthew 28, where we find Mary and Mary Magdalene at the tomb, remember that? It says in Matthew 28:7
“…and go quickly and tell his disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee, and there you will see Him. Behold, I, have told you…”
God told them, God told the women. This was their first commissioning. These women were given a message from Heaven to go tell. Women, messages are coming to you from Heaven. There are messages from Heaven being released to you to go and tell of God’s goodness, to go tell of God’s mercy, to go tell of God’s grace, that He has paid the price for them with His only Son, Jesus. And so, women, you have already been commissioned, glory be to God. And verse 8 says that, ‘they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy and they ran to bring his disciples this word, or, this message that had been given to them. Notice that the women ran, they ran with the word. And that’s what is going to happen with you as you’re given messages from Heaven, you’re going to run with these messages to the world, glory be to God!
Women, it is your time to run! You will not run in your own ability, in your own strength, you will run with God’s velocity, with His swiftness, with His speed, and with His ability in your life. You will see more done through your ministries, through your walk with Him, than ever before. Women, what would normally take years for you to accomplish, I’m telling you, God will do through you in a year, God will do in you in a month, God will do through you in a day. You will run with swiftness, you will pull out those who have been in bondage in the enemy’s camp, and the enemy will not even see you coming! They won’t even know what them! Glory be to God, because you will be so swift with God’s speed and ability. The enemy will suffer great loss due to your obedience to God’s calling, due to your obedience to His commission over your life.
And women, I want to talk to you today also with a little bit about visitation. Everybody loves a visitation don’t they? In verse 9 of Matthew 28,
“as they went to tell his disciples behold Jesus met them saying, ‘Rejoice!’ so they came and held him by his feet and worshiped him.”
Women, as you go with this message from Heaven that the Lord gives you there will be a visitation from Heaven. This verse says as they went, as they were going to tell the disciples, they ran smack-dab into destiny, they ran smack-dab into Jesus Himself, they ran into a visitation of Heaven. And God says to you women, ‘Rejoice!’ he didn’t say, ‘weep”, he didn’t say, ‘be depressed’ he didn’t say ‘grieve’, he said, “rejoice!”. See, God has already foreseen this very moment in your life. God knows every detail of your life and what you have been through, and yet He still says, “rejoice!” No matter what your previous road looks like in the past, no matter how many bumps, women, no matter how many bruises, or brokenness that you’ve experienced in the past, listen to me women, that is not your road for now. That is not your future that God has for you. See, God met these women as they went. As you go, as you move forward, as you pursue God with all of your heart, you will run smack-dab into a visitation with God. You will run smack-dab into the destiny that God has for you. In just one moment with God, my goodness, what can one moment of God do? Just one moment of a visitation with God with His love will take care of years of woundedness and hurt. It just took one moment with Jesus when a man was crippled of thirty-eight years next to the pool of Bethesda. And he was completely healed of thirty-eight years of not being able to have a normal relationship with people, normal relations with people, or not being able to have a normal life, in one moment of time, God healed all of that. What about the woman with the issue of blood? She had that issue for twelve years. See, we can’t let what had happened in our past be our expectation today. What we’ve experienced in the past, women, we cannot let it dictate what God is doing in our lives today. God is doing something new, God is commissioning you, God has a new anointing for you. Glory to God! God has a velocity for you that will thrust you into the world of God, into His promises, and into his goodness like you’ve never seen before. The woman with the issue of blood twelve years in one moment had a visitation with Jesus and was totally healed! Glory to God!
This is why, women, it is your time to rejoice. Your past is not what’s going to rule you. What’s happened in the past you’ve got to let it go, and press forward to the high mark of God. The Word of God says to forget the things of the past, and, do you not know it that there’s a new thing that’s springing forth. You are on the brink of your visitation, women, as you go. As they went to release the Word, they had a visitation with the Lord. And as you go, as you move forward, you will have a visitation. Hallelujah! God, women, is in your future already! He is with you right now, but He’s also in your future.
Verse 10 of Matthew chapter 28, it says, “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, go..’ (again commissioning them) ‘go and tell my brethren, go to Galilee and there they will see me.” This is the second time the Lord commissions these women with a message from Heaven. He will confirm his message to you. He’s not shy, He is so confident in His ability in you that He will tell you again and again what He wants you to do for Him. What He wants you to do is a ministry unto Him. To serve Him.
Listen women, no thing is too small in the Kingdom of God. What you might think is small in the Kingdom of God, is huge in His eyes! Just like the woman who put in widow’s mite and people thought it wasn’t much, but God said it was more than all the rest. No matter what God asks you to do, no matter what He commissions you to do, you need to know, it is no small thing in the Kingdom of God! It might be going over to your neighbor and giving them a hug, or it might be standing up behind a pulpit, it doesn’t matter what it is! My God, glory to God! He’s got something for you! And He will always confirm His message that He has for you. The message that you might have may be for your neighbor. The message you might have might be for your children. The message you might have might be for your husband. The message that you have that God gives you from Heaven might be for multitudes! It doesn’t matter how many people, what matters is that you deliver the message. Those women were commissioned to deliver a message to just twelve people. It doesn’t matter the amount of the people, what matters is that you deliver the messages from Heaven that the Lord is giving you for the Body of Christ. It’s important to also recognize that God is also in the future. That verse ten says, ‘do not be afraid, go tell my brethren to go to Galilee…’ To go to Galilee, that’s in the future, to go somewhere. ‘and there they will see Me’. See, God is already in your future, when you go, when you’re commissioned, the direction that you’re going, God is there in your future, He’s already awaiting you. He’s with you right now, He will never leave you nor forsake you, but He’s also where you’re going. He’s waiting for you in the future, Glory to God!
And I also want to talk to you about encounters and appointments. In verse 16 of Matthew chapter 28:
“Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.”
See, the disciples would have never made their appointment in God if the women did not deliver the message that they had from Heaven. Listen to me, the disciples would never have made their appointment in God if the women weren’t obedient to deliver that message from Heaven that was given to them multiple times. God is going to use you powerfully women! For many people to step into their encounter with God and God’s appointment and not only is God going to use you to help others to step into their appointment in God, but God has an appointment for you. If He had an appointment for the disciples and an encounter for the disciples, He has an appointment and an encounter for you!
Women, God is moving in velocity, He is moving in great swiftness and speed. His Word is going to manifest in your life like you’ve never seen before. God’s promises are going to come to fulfillment. Those things that God has spoken to you over the years, over the decades, you need to get ready to see those ready to manifest with your own eyes.