Dear Believer,

Have you or someone you know been harassed mentally?  Have you had an issue with disruptive thoughts that disrupt your speech?  Have you had problems putting thoughts together and difficulty putting sentences together in your speech?  Have you had issues with your memory? Have you had issues with anxiety?  Or maybe fear?  This is what we call mental warfare. 

Since the pandemic we have seen more and more of mental disorders.  Behavior science professionals said the mental health crisis calls raised 1000% during the pandemic! 

Although we are through the pandemic it seems that there has been a “residue” so to speak left of mental health issues for many people.

God does not want you to have any sort of mental issues!!!  The Word of God in Isaiah says, “He carried our sorrows” – which means physical and mental pain.  Jesus has already paid the price for our freedom in mental health, but we must apply our faith in the area of healing and authority. 

I recently found myself with disruptive thoughts that was effecting me mentally.  I was having a hard time putting thoughts and sentences together, along with speech.  The Lord showed me it was three specific mental spirits that were assigned to harass me.  I immediately applied the Word of God:

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:10

…and I bound those three spirits.  As soon as I did this, I had a vision of them being bound together by a heavenly belt that they could not escape. 

Would you know, I haven’t had one disruptive thought or mental issue since I bound up those spirits?

We are not unaware of the enemy schemes.  He is a manipulator, a thief and a liar.  God is love, freedom, healer, deliverer!

“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19 NKJV

In today’s world it is imperative to know, grow and exercise our authority that God has given us.  To not use our authority immediately puts us in “victim mode” and we are tossed to and fro in our life.  To not use our authority means we will be manipulated by the devil.  We are most certainly not victims, but victors in Christ!  We are more than conquerors in Christ, and the key to step into “conqueror mode” is to know our authority.

We have just released our new Authority Pack that contains 8 audio teachings and one ebook.  These teachings can be downloaded onto any device.

If you are struggling with any sort of mental symptoms from anxiety, fear to disruptive or ungodly thoughts, do not wait another minute, but get yourself equipped in God, and download the Authority Pack today!  I honestly recommend getting both our Dominion Pack and The Authority Pack.  They go hand in hand. 

I love you, and I am praying for you.  We are not called to be dominated by the devil or by this world.  God has better for you!

To download the new Authority Pack click here

To download the Dominion Pack click here

In Christ,



P.S. If you want to order any of our packs for someone else who is suffering or struggling mentally, just put their email address instead of yours in the check-out process and all the downloads will go directly to their email.